Treats wrinkles, flaccidity (body and facial) and photoaging
Les fils SILHOUETTE SOFT 16 CÔNES procurent l'effet d'un soulèvement uniforme sans traces de contournage.
Belotero Volume is the full volume replenisher to smooth out deep wrinkles. With an added anaesthetic, the Lidocaine works to make it comfortable for patients.
SILHOUETTE SOFT 12 CONES peut être appliqué sur: zone décolleté du cou, visage avant-bras
Buy our Hyaluron Pen device and Revolax Deep Promo Kit 7 + 1 + 7 at best price.
Use with Nanopore Stylus to treat wrinkles, flaccidity (body and facial) and photoaging.
Utiliser avec Nanopore Stylus pour traiter les manèges, la flaccidité (du corps et du visage) et le photovieillissement.
In Stock: HYAcorp Face (2x2ml) Hyacorp Face II Voluma (2x2ml)
In Stock: Juvederm Ultra 2 (2x0,55ml) Juvederm Ultra 3 (2x1ml) Juvederm Ultra 4 (2x1ml)
In Stock: Macrolane VRF 30 (1x10ml) Macrolane VRF 20 (1x10ml) Macrolane VRF30 (1x20ml) Macrolane VRF 20 (1x20ml) Macrolane VRF 30 - 10 ml - Hyaldirect
In Stock: Teosyal Ultra Deep (2x1 2ml) Teosyal Fillers (2x1.2ml) Teosyal Puresense Redensity I (1x3ml) Teosyal Ultimate (1x3ml) Teosyal Puresense Ultimate (1x3ml) Teosyal RHA 4 (2x1ml) Teosyal Teoxane Advanced Filler Eyes Contour Teosyal Meso (2x1ml), unit price 149.30 USD Teosyal Deep Lines (2x1ml), unit price 239.25 USD
In Stock: Etermis 2 (2x1ml) Etermis 3 (2x1ml) Etermis 4 (2x1ml)
In Stock: Ellansé S Hands (2x1ml) Ellansé M (2×0.5ml – Discontinued) Ellansé M (2X1ml)
In Stock: Juvederm Volift with Lidocaine (2x1ml) Juvederm Volift Retouch (2×0.55ml) Juvederm Volbella with Lidocaine (2x1ml)
Juvederm Ultra Smile 2 x 0.55ml syringes. Juvederm Ultra Smile is most suitable for: Natural lip volume enhancement; Lip augmentation and contouring.